Bobble Stitch Pouch Crochet Pattern

 Our true beginner crochet program and advanced crochet program have really taken off this year. We have nearly 50 regular patrons that have learned to crochet at the library. 

We start each class with learning how to make a slip knot, followed by making a chain. After they feel comfortable with their chain we begin with a single crochet. Usually this is as far as our beginners get.

In our advanced class, we often use double crochet to make a small item. We've made "mugs rugs", decorative pumpkins and washcloths. 

This is my first "beginner friendly" pattern I've made from scratch. It has been tailored to the level of our monthly regulars. In this pattern, students will learn how to read a crochet chart and make a bobble stitch. 

Check out the pattern below:

Bobble Pouch Pattern


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